Wednesday, February 23, 2011


 The Stylish Blogger Award is making the rounds, and The Garden State has been awarded twice! 

Many Thanks to Masha at A Rose is a Rose... and HolleyGarden at Roses and Other Gardening Joys.  I'm honored!

I absolutely love these types of memes.  It's a really fun way to meet new people and get exposure, especially for those of us who are just starting out.  And, I get to learn new things about people, which is always fun.  It's nice to know the person behind the blog.

So, let's get to it!  The Stylish Blogger Award has three rules:

1.  Thank and link back to the bloggers who awarded you.  Done and done!

2.  List seven interesting things about yourself.  Well, that will be trickier.  I'm not very interesting.

3.  List the blogs you want to pass the award on to. 

Okay, seven interesting things about me.  Here goes:

1.  Several years ago I broke my back in a fall from a horse.  That pretty much ended my career as a professional  horseman.  I still ride, but only my own horses and those of friends.  Because of my injury, I have to be very conscious of my posture when doing chores.  I also practice yoga and pilates to keep myself strong and my back in good shape.  I refuse to give up the things I love, like gardening and riding, in spite of the advice of my orthopedists.

2.  My father, grandfather and great-grandfather are/were all in the horticultural industry.  I guess you could say it's the family business.  I bucked the system and studied Animal Behavior, instead.  But, I still love gardening.  It's in my blood.

3.  In addition to the garden, my little farm is home to 3 horses, a dog, a cat and a ferret, numerous chickens, one duck and my two year old daughter and 8 month old son.   I'm always busy, but I'm never lonely!

4. I'm terrified of lightning.  At the first sign of lightning, I run back to the house as fast as I can, no matter what I'm doing.

5.  I own a ton of gardening gloves, but almost never use them.  I always forget.  I kind of like the dirt-beneath-my-nails look, anyway.  It makes me feel like I've done something.

6.  I hate wearing shoes.  Anytime I can be barefoot, I am.

7.  I have a neurologic abnormality called synesthesia.  It happens when the wiring in the brain gets crossed and certain sensations are percieved together.  In my case, I assosciate colors with letters, numbers and words.  For instance, when I think of the letter "S" I also think of yellow.  It's strange, I suppose.  But since I've always had it, I kind of think everyone without it is strange!

And now, my list of blogs to pass on:

From Seed To Scrumptious

Along Life's Highway The Yard Art Game

Garden g'Imp

Green Love Grass

Get Busy Gardening! 

I tried to list blogs that I haven't seen "discovered" in this meme yet, but of course I think everybody who stops by and reads and comments here is deserving of this award! 


  1. Congratulations, Shannon, and how interesting to learn something about you. I am so sorry about your back injury, but it looks like it is getting better?
    I also forget my gardening gloves pretty often, not good around roses:-).
    It sounds like you have your hands full at the farm - so much to take care of. My husband and I have been talking forever about retiring somewhere rural, but so far it has been just that - talking....

  2. What a terrible injury. I have been injured breaking horses but never to that extent. The synesthesia must be a strange thing to have but as an artist I think it might be cool if I could turn it on and off. I am mildly dyslexic and that is a real pain.

  3. I love learning about the person behind the blog, too. A broken back - sounds extremely painful for a long time. I must wear gloves. It's the first thing I put on when going outside. I'm really interested in the chickens. I keep imagining having some, but not sure I'm ready to take the plunge. Looking forward to checking out the new award winners. Congrats!

  4. congrats on the have a wonderful blog...I enjoy my returns

  5. Masha- The rural lifestyle is wonderful, but sometimes I get nostalgic for the days when I had a grocery store and a mall right around the corner!

    Gardenwalkgardentalk- I actually didn't even know about synesthesia until I had my first neurobiology course in college. I had always just assumed that everybody had colored letters and numbers!

    HolleyGarden- Chickens are great! They eat bugs, lay eggs and make fertilizer. You should get some. Plus, if you don't like them, you can always eat them...*LOL*.

    Donna- Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoy it!

  6. Your farm sounds like a fun and interesting place. I enjoyed reading about you. I'm glad I stopped by your blog! I'll be back!

  7. Congrats on the award! Nice to know about you and your farm life.

  8. Shannon, I have always been fascinated by synesthesia. I could spend hours talking with you about your on your gift.

    Thank you so much for putting my blog on your list.

  9. Shannon, It is great to have found your blog over at Blotanical. I admire you for not giving up your passions! Your fall must have been frightening and painful. It does sound like your synesthesia is a gift. I look forward to exploring your blog.


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